Marketing Resources

Design & Communications Request Form

Use this form to request designed marketing materials such as artwork, videos, emails, new landing pages, edits to existing landing pages, or the creation of printed mailers. This also includes requests to resize any images or post to social media.

This form is sent to the Marketing and Communications team and Karl Annable. All copy will be proofed prior to design initiation. Please allow 2 weeks minimum for digital communications, and 6 weeks minimum for print.

List Request Form

Use this form to request a list from Tessitura for purposes related to emails, paid social media, direct mailings, or other targeted efforts.

This form is sent to Kevin Beckey and Alexis Alcala. Please allow 3 business days to process this request.

Event Build Request Form (Coming Soon!)

Use this form to request an event that requires ticketing or registration to be built and set up on the TNEW website.

This form is sent to Alexis Alcala. Please allow 10 business days to process this request.

Promo Build Request Form

Use this form to request creation of a promo code for either single ticket buyers or subscribers.

This form is sent to Kevin Beckey. Please allow 5 business days to process this request.

Department Ticket Request Form

Use this form to request comps from Patron Services for guests for performances.

This form is sent to Alexis Alcala. Please allow 3 business days to process this request.

Ticket Donation Request Form

Use this form to request ticket donations for Ordway performances from Minnesota Opera for external fundraising events and community initiatives.

This form is sent to Alexis Alcala. Please allow 3 business days to process this request.

MN Opera Brand Book

Consult this brand book when writing for our external channels or have any dealings with the MN Opera logo personally or in connection with any of our partners.

Luminary Brand Book

Consult this brand book when writing for our external channels or have any dealings with the Luminary logo personally or in connection with any of our partners.

Editorial Style Guide

Editorial style for Minnesota Opera follows guidelines set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) and Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, and Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians. For style questions not specifically addressed in this style sheet, consult Severin Lier ([email protected]) or Essie Lash ([email protected]).

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