EDI Feedback
Your voice matters at Minnesota Opera.
While our equity, diversity, and inclusion training has formally been an intentional part of our work for the last four years, our Diversity Charter outlines MN Opera’s commitment and approach as we continue our journey towards being a fully anti-racist and anti-oppressive organization.
Below, you will find a form to submit both positive and negative feedback, comments, and observations about your experience with MN Opera as well as any incidents you would like to report. You may submit anonymously. Should a formal follow up be necessary and should your comfort level allow, you may also include your contact information. Your submission will be sent directly to the Chair of MN Opera’s Diversity Council and EDI Director Rocky Jones.
Your willingness to participate by providing this information will help to ensure that we are no longer a venue of exclusion, but a space of refuge, healing, and justice.
Thank you!
EDI Feedback Form
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