Synopsis: The Snowy Day


Peter wakes up full of excitement to the first snow of winter, as his parents have promised to let him adventure out alone in the snow. His eagerness to bound outside makes dressing and feeding him an almost impossible task for Mama and Daddy, who lovingly bundle him up (complete with a protective layer of Vaseline). Mama warns him to be careful and watches him nervously as he ventures out into the snow by himself.  

Peter “whisper walks” through the snow and wishes that the snow would last forever. Three older boys start a snowball fight – Peter tries clumsily to join in the fun, but they tease Peter and his inexperience and leave him behind, dejected. He cheers up when he encounters Amy and they play and sled in the snow. The older boys return and bully both, but one of the boys (Tim) helps Peter and Amy stop the bullying by ignoring them. The three share a beautiful moment until Amy and Peter’s fathers call them home. Peter quietly tucks a snowball into his pocket to bring home and keep forever.  

At home, Mama helps Peter get ready for bed while Daddy leaves to work his night shift. Right before bed, Peter goes to get his snowball out of his jacket pocket – only to discover that it has melted. He dreams that his new friends and their snowy day all melt as well, until he awakens to another layer of snow and the promise of another day with his friends. Snow and childhood won’t last forever, but Peter, Amy, and Tim will enjoy both for as long as they can – together.  



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